This paper examines wider issues of disenchantment in conventional magic performance practice, ultimately exploring the spectatorship of bizarre magick which offers an alternative model of practice where the shift from enchantment to disenchantment is much less clear cut than in traditional conjuring. How bizarre sought to blur the distinction between real and performed magic is considered with reference to the notion of the magician or mystery entertainer as a facilitator allowing the audience to have the experience of self-enchantment within the performance itself. This discussion is approached with direct reference to the author’s own performance practice and research into bizarre magick and mystery entertainment.
real magic, magician as facilitator, experience, disenchantment, enchantment, practice, mystery entertainment, bizarre magick
How to Cite
Taylor, N., (2018) “Magic and Broken Knowledge; reflections on the practice of Bizarre Magick”, Journal of Performance Magic 5(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/jpm.2018.03